
“Architect Aleksandar Radović Foundation” is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, established for an indefinite period, to achieve beneficial aims which are established by the Founding act.


  • to provide permanent memory of life and work of architect Aleksandar Radović
  • to contribute to the importance and awareness raising about the cultural heritage preservation field in Serbia
  • to support young professionals in this field
  • to promote and popularize issues related to the conservation of cultural heritage
  • to inform the professional and general public about the latest developments in this field
  • to contribute bringing together the experts from Serbia, the region and the whole world

Aleksandar Radović (1943-2015)

Aleksandar Radović was a respected architect and conservator from Niš. In period from 1976. to 2004. he was a director, and from 2004. to 2008. deputy Director of the Institute for Cultural Heritage Preservation Niš. He retired in January 2009. but continued to cooperate with the Institute.

His career was remarkable in many aspects and decades spent at the Institute were filled with continuous obligations, responsible and large-scale projects, which he performed with ease.

As a real connoisseur of architecture and as manager, he received a number of awards.

Besides the work in heritage conservation field (Restoration of the monastery residental building of Prohor Pčinjski – “Borba Award for Architecture”), he also proved himself as a designer of contemporary buildings (“Dušanov Bazar” and “Hilandarski metoh” in Niš).

Opus of his work, without a doubt, puts him into the group of the most important, influential and prolific Serbian conservationists of all time.